Monday, August 8, 2011

Ekta detained at Mumbai airport

Producer Ekta Kapoor was detained at the Mumbai airport while returning from Bangkok. She was detained and questioned by custom officials for duty evasion. She was carrying goods worth Rs 10 lakh but only declared items worth Rs 8 lakhs.
As she has not declared remaining goods worth Rs 2 lakhs, she has to pay 30,000 plus amount as custom duty. Only after paying the cutom duty, Ekta Kapoor was let off.
 "She was found carrying personal goods for which she did not pay customs duty," said a customs official on the condition of anonymity.
In the past, many celebrities like Anushka SharmaBipasha Basu and Minissha Lamba were detained by custom officials. Very recently, Shahrukh Khan was held at the airport for carrying excess luguage but after paying custom duty, he was released.

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