On Monday night, Madhuri Dixit Nene recently launched Sanjeev Kapoor’s food channel in hotel Imperial. When she was asked if she is to throw a party at her home whom she would choose to invite, Madhuri named the three Khans of Bollywood, Aamir, Salman and Shah Rukh Khan.
Let’s find out what is the reason behind choosing all the three Khans. She reasoned, 'First, I'll of course choose Shah Rukh Khan,' said Madhuri, 'because he always praises whatever I do.'
'Next, I'll choose Aamir Khan because he is going to analyse my cooking, and then point out how a particular dish could do with a little more of salt, etc. He's the analytical type, you see,' quips Madhuri.
And then I'll choose Salman Khan because he's simply going to come and ask for the food without any ado.'
Madhuri revealed that when she used to do films, she was dull about cooking but after getting married, she learnt cooking and today she enjoy cooking with her husband Sriram Nene who is also a very good cook. In the US, they used to party with friends and try each other’s recipes.
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